Saturday 15 September 2012

First Group Meeting 14th September 2012

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our first group meeting. Twenty Eight of us gathered together on Friday evening to start thinking about our journey into better fitness, a greater sense of well being, improving our health and taking responsibility for ourselves. I really appreciate the support. As I continue on my path to greater fitness and dealing with my own health problems in a more holistic and responsible way it is an important part of my journey to have support and encouragement from others.

What struck home last night was that we are all on different paths. Very individual. Some people interested in fitness, improving self esteem through a greater sense of wellbeing, social enjoyment through group activities, weight loss, stress relief, health benefits. Everyone has a different combination of needs, but through enjoyment of group walking, discussing how to take control of our health, listening to the inspiring stories of others, we can really support each other. This should not be draining or exhausting to any of us. That is not proper support. If we can each understand our own needs and be confident to state them clearly and positively then we will find others who will enjoy connecting and giving support. Through be able to find out how we need to make changes we will be able to give and receive support from others who are like minded.

Last night's meeting was a great start and I do hope that everyone felt that there might be something for them within the group. I believe that we must make small changes one at a time rather than plunging in to some exercise regime which we cannot possibly stick to.
Thrive Fitness: The Vegan-Based Training Program for Maximum Strength, Health, and Fitness

I have been reading a fabulous book by a guy called Brendan Brazier who is a professional ironman triathlete. The book is called Thrive Fitness. One of the issues he discusses is will power. An experiment was done in America on two groups of 7-8 year olds. One group was allowed to play on the beach all day, in the sand, the sea, flying kites and building sandcastles, playing ball. They had a wonderful day. The other group was made to do school work all day, not only that but it was the subjects that each child liked the least - not only that... but they had a one to one adult to make them refocus every time they drifted off! (cruel or what?). Each group was then sat in a room with a one way mirror. An adult came into the room and placed a plate of cookies on a table telling the children that they were not for them and they should not touch and that someone would be with them soon. The first group (the lucky beach gang) did not even really register the cookies - they chatted about their day and relived some of the fun they had. The second group (the tortured classroom gang) were agonised by the plate of cookies, daring each other to go and touch them, sniff them, eat a crumb that had 'fallen' off etc. Within 15 minutes all the cookies had been eaten by every single child in that room.

What I find interesting about this rather cruel experiment is that given our joy in life and allowed to express ourselves and be ourselves we do not find will power a problem. Forcing ourselves to try and stick to things we do not like will use up all our will power and make us feel weak and unable to stick to things we know we should be doing.

My suggestion last night, was that sometimes we cannot even start with fitness, we have to start with joy. Finding the joy in our lives. Finding what makes us feel happy and starting from there. If that means that you need to renew your passion of photography, water colours, whatever.. before you can embark on fitness then that is what you should do. Eventually photography will get you out walking..... the desire to paint a river scene will get you walking to a beautiful scenic inspiring place.... the awakening of yourself will lead you to begin the connection again with your body and that becomes the place to start for fitness. Do not set yourself up to fail.
Thank you again to all those who attended the meeting.... spread the word... lets take back the responsibility for our health (mental and physical) and enjoy the process while we are at it.

Are you ready to transform you life? Check!
Which way do you want to go?

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