Wednesday 5 September 2012

Dates for  your diary Sept – Nov 2012
14th September - First Meeting!!
Come and meet the loveliest lady - Penny Youssef - she teaches Qi Gong (Chi Kung) which is the most gentle and wonderful health exercises from China. She will be giving us a little talk and is extremely knowledgeable. This is a fab place to start exercising if you are a little 'out of shape'! It really does improve your energy and state of mind too.
You can contact Penny on or 07969925502 to find out details about her classes.
She is away for a couple of weeks in October in China training but I am hoping that she will be doing a 'taster' workshop session for an hour in November.
I started doing Qi Gong over a year ago and it is what broke the inertia for me and got me going!

Also meet the fabulous Paula Lawton-Archer who is the answer to our prayers! A really inspirational lady who has lost weight and kept it off and then got into running. I believe she can get anyone enthused! Come and hear her talk on the 14th September - and then I promise you WILL want to join her new running course. She takes people from doing NO RUNNING AT ALL to being able to run 5k in a 10 week course. You can contact her on

20th September - Sikka View Walk - Meet at Sikka Trail Car park 10.30am. Not a power walk just an enjoyable walk in the beautiful countryside – rain or shine!! FREE


27th September - WILD SWIM (!!) Meet at Knoll Beach Cafe, Studland - Rain or shine at 10.30am - we are GOING IN....... Hot choc available after and beach hut for changing!! FREE.

28th September -  Talk - Jenny Street - Fitchoice from Neways - Very exciting new launch! East Burton Village Hall – 7.15pm. Cost £2 includes tea/coffee
Check out:

4th October - Cycle ride around Wareham Forest - Rain or shine - Meet at Sikka Trail Car Park at 10.30am. (Nothing too difficult - promise) FREE.

18th October - Group Walk around Wareham Forest - route not yet decided - meet at Sikka Trail Car Park at 10.30am. Rain or shine. FREE.
9th November - 2nd Meeting London to Rio - speakers to be confirmed. 7.15pm East Burton Village Hall.  Cost £2.50 includes tea/coffee.


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