Tuesday 11 September 2012


A word about ANTIOXIDANTS....

 As soon as our activity level increases we use more oxygen. When we use more oxygen we cause cellular oxidation which creates free radicals. These naughty little devils cause the cells life span to be reduced, they have been linked to cancer and other serious diseases and to premature skin aging.

They do of course occur in small quantities naturally in the body, and let me tell you that the biggie for increasing their presence is STRESS! You can reduce stress through better nutrition which fights free radicals from being produced. Antioxidants are the polite saviour here by escorting the free radicals out of the body.

Eat your veg!

 I am not going to give you an excuse not to exercise here... but regular strenuous physical activity creates an abundance of free radicals, it is a negative effect of exercise but can be dealt with simply enough, here is how... the right nutrition.

Raw food salad, with butternut quash, courgette, carrot,
beetroot and fresh pesto sauce - yum yum!

 ANTIOXIDANTS are found in fruit and vegetables - vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and the carotenoids (compounds that make vegetables orange) - all cancel out the effects of free radicals by slowing down or stopping the oxidation process.

The best sources you ask? Well, I am guessing that most of us know this one but green tea is excellent. Also berries and fruit in general.

 The benefits are that you will protect your cellular health and speed up your physical recovery. You will also reduce your risk of disease. Now I am not that keen on green tea but I am thinking that I could get through a cup a day for those kind of benefits. Luckily I LOVE my berries and am a real fruit bat. Since I try to avoid all refined sugar, fruit is my sweet tooth stuff.


Another benefit is that it improves skin appearance and elasticity.... hmmm, trying not to look down into a mirror too much, I am at that age where it is all just beginning to fall apart and you haven't quite got used to the process yet. I am thinking of inventing a mirror that you can connect to your computer and Photoshop. It will air brush out all the wrinkles and blemishes and allow you to think you are perfect....... after all you really are!!!!

 Now, where did I put those green tea bags?

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