Tuesday 18 September 2012

Competition Time!

Challenge yourself with the London to Rio Blog Competition!
Here is a quickie blog about the London to Rio blog competition. I would like to receive any inspiring stories, either your own, or someone you know (with their permission). Anything that helps to encourage the rest of us and make us feel that it can be done. Please contact me on aprilhomefarm@btinternet.com to email me your story, please put 'London to Rio Competition' in the email title so you don't get the spam treatment!
The winning entry will be decided by the end of October and I am giving away a prize of a Reflexology or Reiki Treatment Voucher. Bearing in mind that we are not a huge group yet... you could be the only entry..... lucky you! Don't be deterred if you are on the other side of the world as I can send regular distance reiki or do a specific session for you.

The basic requirements are: Approximately 750 words with 2 pictures. It can be longer if you choose.

Good luck! Looking forward to reading those stories.

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