Tuesday 2 October 2012

Wild Swimming

My otter impression
Wow - what can I say. Wild Swimming. This is a bit of a break through for me. Firstly, I am a very fair weather person and secondly, since the onset of Lupus, I am also very difficult to part from a hot water bottle or two. I did stop going to bed with them for the month of August but as soon as a dew appeared once again on the grass in the morning I felt the need. I seem to collect warm things. For Christmas I got two hot water bottles, a pair of slippers and a blanket with sleeves, this is how well my family knows me! So - to be swimming in a costume (no wet suit) on the 27th September was a remarkable achievement.
My friend Julia in wetsuit (sensible idea!)
When I arranged the date with my friend she looked kind of confident - not only was it quite far away but I think she assumed that it would never happen. As the day started nearing and she saw I was serious, she began to get nervous.....bad dreams ... the lot.

Brave Tracey

I did start wondering how this mouth of mine opens and stuff comes out and then before I know it I have got myself into hot water again.... or not on this occasion.
Brave Karen

It was a beautiful sunny morning after we had been experiencing loads and loads of very cold rain which seems to have been filling the sea up with cold water. But we couldn't have asked for better weather. I kind of assumed that it would be me and Julia, with my hot water loving husband on the shore taking pictures and laughing.
How wrong could I be! Two friends from Swanage bravely turned up and then Julia, her husband, her mother and mother in law. Seven of us! I was amazed.

Drama Queen

Sure, the water was a little on the chilly side. I made a big fuss of getting in and struggled with the plunging into the shoulders bit. I think everyone managed it before me, I have always been a bit of an attention seeking drama queen.
However, on such a stunning morning as this, with the Purbeck hills around us and Old Harry Rocks to one side, and Sandbanks to the other, how could you not be totally enchanted, enlivened, refreshed and oh so glad to be alive. There is nothing like cold water to bring you up into the present moment with a bang. 'The Power of Now' eat your heart out! How wonderful.
Swimming against the tide

Once the body got fairly numb the mind seemed to enjoy every second even more. You had to swim fairly hard against the tide to stay in one place. We managed half an hour - yes truly.
I can heartily recommend it. Shall I keep you all posted on the next date?
I think perhaps a full length wetsuit for next time though.

The only downside? I felt so tired afterwards - I kept dozing off in the afternoon and in the end gave in and had a snooze for an hour or so. Yes I do seem to lead a life of luxury don't I!!? I had to plan this free time into the diary just in case.

Onward and upwards - cycling in the forest this week!

p.s. How comes everyone else manages to look glamorous?? I must start trying to find my glamour!

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