Thursday 22 November 2012

Walk at Worth Matravers

Fabulous walk today! Windspit walk at Worth Matravers.

Dave said this morning that I would lose my duck today (??) Having had dry sunny weather for every walk we have been on, despite being surrounded by days of lashing rain. I held with the faith ..... it would be dry.... and also had an auxiliary plan of a nice coffee in Corfe Castle if we all met up and it was torrential! After all, we don't want to lose the enjoyment factor do we?

I knew Lisa was coming with us but did not know whether to expect anyone else. I think everyone was perhaps put off by the rather ominous looking sky in the morning. By the time 10.30am arrived the fierce wind had swept the dark clouds away and we were left with a beautiful morning! I will admit that the fierce wind decided to stay with us and the ground was a little muddy. But with plenty of gear on it was still such a joy to be out in it.

So Lisa, Dave, me and Buster the dog set out from the tranquillity of the ducks at Worth Matravers and headed towards the sea. It was wild, fresh and lovely. It felt like it was snowing with mad white spray and foam showering up the cliffs at us!

I feel so grateful to be able to walk to places like these. I just love the countryside around The Purbecks particularly. It was really stunning. We walked for an hour and a half and the wind carried us up the hill on the way back. We fortified ourselves with a nice coffee in The Square and Compass at the end.

Thank you thank you lovely Lisa for your company, thank you Dave for your steady and constant support and well done Buster for being a 'good boy'.

Dave trying not to get blown over the cliff edge!

The sea was madly excited with itself today!

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