Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Stress and exercise

These are beautiful bamboo pipes played by the wind in a Quarry in Portland

One of the most important aspects of health and well being in my view is dealing with stress. I believe that we all suffer from it in various ways these days as it has become part of the way we live our lives. We can achieve so much in a day that we have learnt to put ourselves under enormous pressure to do this. We are constantly available and if we manage our time effectively we can be almost 'super human' in our daily achievements. We no longer have to worry about having a washing day or a cleaning day, we fit these minor chores in around our busy schedule.

When we are no longer 'in the moment' we are creating stress for ourselves. Our brains, in an attempt to control life, are planning the next moves, reviewing the last ones in order to plan better next time. We try and control every little detail of our lives and we lose the moment that we are in now.

I believe that in order to achieve good health  we need to learn to live in the present moment. This is so easy to say and often so hard to do. Without a doubt life is difficult. I do not think I know anyone who does not have problems of one sort or another. The problems increase with worry and the 'controlling perpective' and decrease with a more philosophical approach. I realise this is simplistic. It is very difficult not to worry excessively when you are waiting for horrible test results from hospital, or cannot afford your mortgage this month.
It is often because of this need to control and this excessive worry that we become obsessed with certain aspects of our lives and ironically enough this can also include exercise.

My philosophy to fitness and health is that if we do not discover our joy in life and find the passions that bring us in the present moment, then we will either find it difficult to stick to an exercise program (this would be my category), or we can just as easily become obsessive about our health and exercise (I have a good friend who falls into this category).

On the surface we tend to admire people who are able to stick to rigorous exercise programs but in all honesty, obsession of any form is not good for your stress levels. The underlying root of their motivation is fear-based and unhealthy,  there can be costs to physical and emotional health. Too much exercise causes the body to break down physically. Bones suffer, as do tendons, ligaments, even muscles. People become more susceptible to colds and flu. Don't forget that rest repairs the body from the wear and tear of exercise and everyday life.

Whilst I need to learn to try and stick to a more regular exercise and be consistent. I do believe that I have a relatively good balance in my life currently, relaxation, mental stimulation, creative stimulation, spiritual exploration, physical exercise and healthy eating. I do believe that this balance is what is important. If you do not try and help each part of yourself then you are either in danger of falling into a depressive state (this is where I have often found myself in the past), or an obsessive state. Both of which are dangerous states for our long term health.

The mind and the body are not separate. They are connected. If you are constantly anxious then your body will be on overdrive, if you are constantly depressed then your body will believe that there is a physical problem and something will be created to fit this pattern.

The hardest thing is to take responsibility for ourselves. We do expect our bodies to carry on regardless of alcohol, junk food, lack of exercise, smoking, caffeine, pollution, chemicals in everything we touch. When it does not do its magic self healing efficiently enough then we go to our doctor and expect them to wave a wand (write a prescription) so that everything can return to 'normal'. Sadly more and more of us are discovering (usually when we a reaching an age when everything is starting to head south and gradually drop off) this is not the case. Our doctors cannot always solve the problems unless we are willing to make drastic changes and take the burden of responsibility.

Sometimes when I am tired, when I am feeling low regardless of how careful I have been with food, exercise etc. I feel exhausted by my efforts to help my Lupus. I wish I could just take a pill and forget about having to take proper care of every little thing. It is tiring being responsible. But mostly I realise that my diet control, exercise and well being program is actually far more effective than any pill the doctor could give me.

Perhaps if they invent a magic rejuvenating pill with absolutely no consequences whatsoever, then I will consider it!!

Friday, 21 September 2012

21 days to a new habit

21 days to change your habits.
Apparently it takes twenty one days to form a new habit. I believe that I take slightly longer than that but lets start with the premise that it is true. How it works is this, it takes 21 days of doing something everyday for the neural pathways in your brain to form.

If you try and tell yourself that you are just going to do something for twenty one days then you are less resistant to the thought of change. Your conscious mind thinks "Ok. 21 days, I can handle that, it won't be too bad" By the end of the 21 days you can tell yourself you have the choice to continue or not but actually the 'habit' side of what you are doing has already started to form.

I think it does take slightly longer to break a habit because if it is something you have been doing for a very long time, smoking for example, then the pathways in the brain are very well formed and may never go away. You just have to keep reminding yourself not to follow the old pathway, put up a 'road closed' sign and remember to stick to it.

I have been working with this theory and taking one small step at a time. I can't try to make lots of habits and break lots of habits at once. I just have to go with one at a time which does mean that progress in any real sense is fairly slow, but it is still progress. I have made a chart for the wall which just has 21 days on it. The first habit I am really tying to break is the 'Constant Grazing in the Evening Habit'. Even if I was always snacking on healthy foods, and telling myself that just one more piece of fruit would be fine, or just a couple of rice cakes.... (what can I have next?) I still wanted to stop the habit. It was unnecessary (I wasn't really hungry) and really not good for my waistline eating in the evening too late. I am now on day twenty three and I do think it is starting to feel easier on some nights. Other nights I have had to resort to going to bed early! I have only three crosses where I couldn't help myself and all the other days are ticked as successful.

I just have to keep going on this one but now I am also ready to start the next habit. I am going to add daily meditation for the next twenty one days. I have a list of things I want to change and I think they will take me forever, but then again if we never try to change them, even by one small step at a time, then nothing will actually change. What amazed me was just how quickly that twenty one days passed.

You can also try this website: 21habit.com which will log everything for you! You can even 'play' in committed mode and donate $21 for which you will get a dollar back for everyday you succeed and forfeit a dollar for everyday you fail which the website donates to various charities. I just love this! You can get an app for everything these days.

What would be on your list of habits to break and habits to create?

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Small changes

Another brief gathering of words to start summing up my story and start charting my progress.
Here is a picture of me on 3rd August 2011.

Here is another picture of me in September 2012.


Yes, I know there is still some way to go but the journey was never going to be a miracle. In fact it is not just a journey of weight it is also a journey of health and well being.

In the first picture I can barely describe to you how I felt without feeling tearful. I loathed myself for the way I looked but I was also feeling so very ill. I experienced chronic pain everyday and had done for several months. I blamed my weight entirely and so did the doctors until the pain started in my arms which they found more difficult to put down to my weight alone. Every joint seemed to hurt. I was on a huge amount of tablets and often felt that I was taking tablets for the symptoms of other tablets. I had been ill since March 2011 and had gone through numerous tests for a huge array of symptoms.

Every type of blood test. Cameras up, down, around. Scans. And still I felt dreadful and nothing was properly diagnosed.
Finally in September 2011 they discovered Lupus, with Fibromyalgia symptoms (which are also really part of the Lupus) and a blood condition called Antiphospholipid symdrome (APS) which often also goes hand in hand with Lupus.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself in various ways. Some of the symptoms being exhaustion (yes), joint pain (YES), despression (yes), thinning hair (yes), brain fog (yes), skin sensitivity (yes) and insomnia (yes).

I started to make changes. I am still adding a new habit or taking away an old habit, every 21 days. Tiny steps, tiny changes, all with a bit of patience, make the biggest difference.

Here I am in another picture, challenging myself to abseil this year (I am scared of heights!)

Competition Time!

Challenge yourself with the London to Rio Blog Competition!
Here is a quickie blog about the London to Rio blog competition. I would like to receive any inspiring stories, either your own, or someone you know (with their permission). Anything that helps to encourage the rest of us and make us feel that it can be done. Please contact me on aprilhomefarm@btinternet.com to email me your story, please put 'London to Rio Competition' in the email title so you don't get the spam treatment!
The winning entry will be decided by the end of October and I am giving away a prize of a Reflexology or Reiki Treatment Voucher. Bearing in mind that we are not a huge group yet... you could be the only entry..... lucky you! Don't be deterred if you are on the other side of the world as I can send regular distance reiki or do a specific session for you.

The basic requirements are: Approximately 750 words with 2 pictures. It can be longer if you choose.

Good luck! Looking forward to reading those stories.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

First Group Meeting 14th September 2012

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our first group meeting. Twenty Eight of us gathered together on Friday evening to start thinking about our journey into better fitness, a greater sense of well being, improving our health and taking responsibility for ourselves. I really appreciate the support. As I continue on my path to greater fitness and dealing with my own health problems in a more holistic and responsible way it is an important part of my journey to have support and encouragement from others.

What struck home last night was that we are all on different paths. Very individual. Some people interested in fitness, improving self esteem through a greater sense of wellbeing, social enjoyment through group activities, weight loss, stress relief, health benefits. Everyone has a different combination of needs, but through enjoyment of group walking, discussing how to take control of our health, listening to the inspiring stories of others, we can really support each other. This should not be draining or exhausting to any of us. That is not proper support. If we can each understand our own needs and be confident to state them clearly and positively then we will find others who will enjoy connecting and giving support. Through be able to find out how we need to make changes we will be able to give and receive support from others who are like minded.

Last night's meeting was a great start and I do hope that everyone felt that there might be something for them within the group. I believe that we must make small changes one at a time rather than plunging in to some exercise regime which we cannot possibly stick to.
Thrive Fitness: The Vegan-Based Training Program for Maximum Strength, Health, and Fitness

I have been reading a fabulous book by a guy called Brendan Brazier who is a professional ironman triathlete. The book is called Thrive Fitness. One of the issues he discusses is will power. An experiment was done in America on two groups of 7-8 year olds. One group was allowed to play on the beach all day, in the sand, the sea, flying kites and building sandcastles, playing ball. They had a wonderful day. The other group was made to do school work all day, not only that but it was the subjects that each child liked the least - not only that... but they had a one to one adult to make them refocus every time they drifted off! (cruel or what?). Each group was then sat in a room with a one way mirror. An adult came into the room and placed a plate of cookies on a table telling the children that they were not for them and they should not touch and that someone would be with them soon. The first group (the lucky beach gang) did not even really register the cookies - they chatted about their day and relived some of the fun they had. The second group (the tortured classroom gang) were agonised by the plate of cookies, daring each other to go and touch them, sniff them, eat a crumb that had 'fallen' off etc. Within 15 minutes all the cookies had been eaten by every single child in that room.


What I find interesting about this rather cruel experiment is that given our joy in life and allowed to express ourselves and be ourselves we do not find will power a problem. Forcing ourselves to try and stick to things we do not like will use up all our will power and make us feel weak and unable to stick to things we know we should be doing.

My suggestion last night, was that sometimes we cannot even start with fitness, we have to start with joy. Finding the joy in our lives. Finding what makes us feel happy and starting from there. If that means that you need to renew your passion of photography, water colours, whatever.. before you can embark on fitness then that is what you should do. Eventually photography will get you out walking..... the desire to paint a river scene will get you walking to a beautiful scenic inspiring place.... the awakening of yourself will lead you to begin the connection again with your body and that becomes the place to start for fitness. Do not set yourself up to fail.
Thank you again to all those who attended the meeting.... spread the word... lets take back the responsibility for our health (mental and physical) and enjoy the process while we are at it.

Are you ready to transform you life? Check! http://is.gd/TransformYourLife
Which way do you want to go?

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


A word about ANTIOXIDANTS....

 As soon as our activity level increases we use more oxygen. When we use more oxygen we cause cellular oxidation which creates free radicals. These naughty little devils cause the cells life span to be reduced, they have been linked to cancer and other serious diseases and to premature skin aging.

They do of course occur in small quantities naturally in the body, and let me tell you that the biggie for increasing their presence is STRESS! You can reduce stress through better nutrition which fights free radicals from being produced. Antioxidants are the polite saviour here by escorting the free radicals out of the body.

Eat your veg!

 I am not going to give you an excuse not to exercise here... but regular strenuous physical activity creates an abundance of free radicals, it is a negative effect of exercise but can be dealt with simply enough, here is how... the right nutrition.

Raw food salad, with butternut quash, courgette, carrot,
beetroot and fresh pesto sauce - yum yum!

 ANTIOXIDANTS are found in fruit and vegetables - vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and the carotenoids (compounds that make vegetables orange) - all cancel out the effects of free radicals by slowing down or stopping the oxidation process.

The best sources you ask? Well, I am guessing that most of us know this one but green tea is excellent. Also berries and fruit in general.

 The benefits are that you will protect your cellular health and speed up your physical recovery. You will also reduce your risk of disease. Now I am not that keen on green tea but I am thinking that I could get through a cup a day for those kind of benefits. Luckily I LOVE my berries and am a real fruit bat. Since I try to avoid all refined sugar, fruit is my sweet tooth stuff.


Another benefit is that it improves skin appearance and elasticity.... hmmm, trying not to look down into a mirror too much, I am at that age where it is all just beginning to fall apart and you haven't quite got used to the process yet. I am thinking of inventing a mirror that you can connect to your computer and Photoshop. It will air brush out all the wrinkles and blemishes and allow you to think you are perfect....... after all you really are!!!!

 Now, where did I put those green tea bags?

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Dates for  your diary Sept – Nov 2012
14th September - First Meeting!!
Come and meet the loveliest lady - Penny Youssef - she teaches Qi Gong (Chi Kung) which is the most gentle and wonderful health exercises from China. She will be giving us a little talk and is extremely knowledgeable. This is a fab place to start exercising if you are a little 'out of shape'! It really does improve your energy and state of mind too.
You can contact Penny on pennyyoussef@tiscali.co.uk or 07969925502 to find out details about her classes.
She is away for a couple of weeks in October in China training but I am hoping that she will be doing a 'taster' workshop session for an hour in November.
I started doing Qi Gong over a year ago and it is what broke the inertia for me and got me going!

Also meet the fabulous Paula Lawton-Archer who is the answer to our prayers! A really inspirational lady who has lost weight and kept it off and then got into running. I believe she can get anyone enthused! Come and hear her talk on the 14th September - and then I promise you WILL want to join her new running course. She takes people from doing NO RUNNING AT ALL to being able to run 5k in a 10 week course. You can contact her on

20th September - Sikka View Walk - Meet at Sikka Trail Car park 10.30am. Not a power walk just an enjoyable walk in the beautiful countryside – rain or shine!! FREE


27th September - WILD SWIM (!!) Meet at Knoll Beach Cafe, Studland - Rain or shine at 10.30am - we are GOING IN....... Hot choc available after and beach hut for changing!! FREE.

28th September -  Talk - Jenny Street - Fitchoice from Neways - Very exciting new launch! East Burton Village Hall – 7.15pm. Cost £2 includes tea/coffee
Check out:

4th October - Cycle ride around Wareham Forest - Rain or shine - Meet at Sikka Trail Car Park at 10.30am. (Nothing too difficult - promise) FREE.

18th October - Group Walk around Wareham Forest - route not yet decided - meet at Sikka Trail Car Park at 10.30am. Rain or shine. FREE.
9th November - 2nd Meeting London to Rio - speakers to be confirmed. 7.15pm East Burton Village Hall.  Cost £2.50 includes tea/coffee.


Monday, 3 September 2012

This is a new blog dedicated to a fitness and well being project over the next few years. Let me start by telling you how my ideas started and how I ended up with London to Rio.

 I loved watching the Olympics this year, it was inspiring. Our country does seem to respond well when it comes down to the important stuff. On home ground with a home crowd our Team GB did an amazing job which made the whole country feel proud.

 There was something that started me thinking while watching all those fit bodies and the dedication and focus that they had in order to train to be the best. I realised that I have never been really fit. Yes, i have been fitter than I am now,  but never really fit.

 Now don't assume for one moment that I have ideas above my station and intend to enter for the Olympics in Rio or anything. Never fear.  I have only just started taking responsibility for my own body. I am ashamed to say that I am not in an ideal starting place for fitness. I am 47, I am overweight, I have Lupus, fibromyalgia and Antiphospholipid Syndrome. This is not the best place to begin, I do realise that. But what could I do? How fit could I get?  I just started wondering where I would be in four years time in terms of health and fitness. I thought back over all the Olympics I remember and realised that four years passes in a blink of an eye and that if I did not take this opportunity to get a grip by the time the next Olympics come around in 2016 I would be over 50, overweight, with blah de blah syndromes.

 I talk to people every day with problems and it constantly brings home the basics to me - without health, we have nothing. Once we pass 40 we are finding that bits are starting to drop off gradually. Our bodies which we have (possibly - not all of us I agree) abused and disregarded and assumed it would just do its job, is no longer bouncing back with such efficiency. We are starting to make regular trips to the doctor for something or other.

We are not feeling our best and yet we continue to lead our lives in the same way and do very little about taking responsibility for the food we put into our bodies and the amount of activity we do. We go from our computers to our cars to the television and we assume that our bodies are doing OK until we find another bit has fallen off. I am of course stating the worst case scenario. I know we all make an effort sometimes and go for the odd walk or join a gym for a while, or try and go to a zumba class, or swimming. But can we stick to anything properly? It seems to be a common theme among human kind that we find it very difficult to actually keep going at anything so that we reach a certain level of fitness.

 I would like to make changes to myself and I will keep a journal of how I progress. In the meantime, although I obviously don't have the energy to drag anyone else along I would like to inspire and encourage. The first group meeting will be on the 14th September 2012 and I have decided to hold a meeting every other month. This is not to chivvy others along and compare notes and see how others are doing. It is purely with the aim of helping people keep focus by marking time and introducing new and different activities that may encourage people to get a more active lifestyle. It is not for me to treat it like a patronising club where we are all asked individually how much we have done and if not why not. That is not what this is about. This is to encourage, inspire, support, and examine in ourselves how we can take more responsibility for our own health. I am organising group walks, wild swimming, cycling. It is fine if I end up doing it on my own, I don't mind! But I am giving people the opportunity to explore if they want to, in the company of other like-minded folk. This blog therefore will record my personal efforts as well as recording how the group progresses and what happens with other people within the group.


I may explore different aspects of my illnesses, I'll try not to be a bore about these! I have become convinced that the greatest weapon against all of them is exercise.